
Showing posts from April, 2019

Hang or Fold – How to Store Your Clothes

Hang or Fold                 A quick question that definitely comes to every mind of shopaholic, housewife, bachelor, executive, house husband or any other individual who owns clothes is “Should I hang my clothes or   fold them?” We just dust this question off of our minds. Not all clothes should be hanged and not all should be folded. The answer typically depends on several basic facts. Here are the quick tips to know if you should Hang/Fold your clothes: a.        Closet/Storage Type & Space The storage type and its space is the most important fact to consider when you want to hang or fold the clothes. If you have less space to hang your clothes, give priority to frequently worn clothes to be hanged. Also, you may want to hang the clothes you want to protect. Less used items of clothing can be folded and stored in the other available space. Clothes that you should hang include Pleated Items, Dress Pants, Blouses, Starched Garments, Lightweight clothes, D

Five Laundry Tips

I, like many of us, spend a lot of time on laundry. At least half of my weekend goes in sorting out, washing, drying and folding the laundry. I always try to find ways to do the laundry faster and more conveniently in order to spend more of my weekend with family or to just relax. Below are some of the tips that I have practiced over time which helps me do the laundry quicker and efficiently. 1.     Always check the pockets Whenever you enter the laundry room, check the pockets of your jeans, trousers, etc. By this you will save your clothes from getting torn from metallic or other types of items. Also, it saves your clothes from stains in case there is pen left inside the pocket. This step also will ensure that you do not wash off your money while they are left in the pockets. Hence, always check the pockets and go to the next tip. 2.     You don't have to sort the laundry by color every time Different fabric types require different washing techniq