Hang or Fold – How to Store Your Clothes

Hang or Fold

                A quick question that definitely comes to every mind of shopaholic, housewife, bachelor, executive, house husband or any other individual who owns clothes is “Should I hang my clothes or  fold them?” We just dust this question off of our minds. Not all clothes should be hanged and not all should be folded. The answer typically depends on several basic facts. Here are the quick tips to know if you should Hang/Fold your clothes:

a.       Closet/Storage Type & Space

The storage type and its space is the most important fact to consider when you want to hang or fold the clothes. If you have less space to hang your clothes, give priority to frequently worn clothes to be hanged. Also, you may want to hang the clothes you want to protect. Less used items of clothing can be folded and stored in the other available space.

Clothes that you should hang include Pleated Items, Dress Pants, Blouses, Starched Garments, Lightweight clothes, Dresses, Blazers and anything that can be wrinkled easily. On the other hand, you can fold heavy material clothes like sweaters, stretchy materials like jeans, heavily embellished or embroidered dresses, T-Shirts, etc.

b.      Material

Embellished and woolen material clothing should be kept folded, like mentioned in point a. Also, materials that get stretched like lycra, jersey, etc. should be folded. Delicate materials that are prone to wrinkles like silks, cottons, laces, etc. should be hanged. However, do ensure that there is sufficient gap between the clothes when you hang. Do not hang the clothes wedged and very close to each other.

Additional Tips:

c.       Do not insert the hanger from top as it will stretch out the collar
d.      Keep even space between hangers to avoid wrinkling of clothes
e.      Align the seams of shoulders with the hanger
f.        Use soft paper or tissue paper along the folds. This will avoid creases.
g.       Fold undergarments and socks with care. Rolling or folding in half may stretch the items or spoil the shape of items.

Stay tuned for the next blog to know more about the types of hangers you should use for different types of garments.


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